Dowload Risk and respons in EU nuclear projects_flyer
8:15- Welcome coffee served inside the room
8:30- 8:40 Opening
Victor Bostinaru, Vice-President of the S&D Group for Foreign Affairs
8:40-9:00 Introduction and state of play
Benedek Javor, MEP
Contribution from MEPs Jo Leienen and Dan Nica
9:10-9:40 Financing
*Financial viavility of nuclear, recent changes
Stephen Thomas, Emeritus Professor of Energy Policy, Business School University of Greenwich
*Financing of Paks II and financing concerns with Fennovoima
András Perger, Greenpeace
*Moderator: Victor Bostinaru, Vice-President of the S&D Group for Foreign Affairs
9:50-10:30 Impact on the environments and safety concerns
* Nuclear safety and waste management
Marin Constantin, senior researcher ICN Pitesti, chief editor, Journal of Nuclear Research and Development
*Russian nuclear boomerag to Europe, Safety concerns, Leningradskaja 2
Oleg Bodrov, physicist, ecologist, expert of the International NGO Decommission Network
*Risks of incidents, analysis based on the EIA of Paks II
Oda Becker, a physicist and independent expert on nuclear plants
Moderator: Heidi Hautala, Vice-Chair of the Greens/EFA
10:30-10:50 Exchange of Views with the European Commission
10:50-11:00 Q&A, Concluding remarks
MEPs Victor Bostinaru, Benedek Jávor
(click on links to see the presentations of the speakers)