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Binding targets will help cut bills and combat energy poverty

The European Parliament’s Industry, Research and Energy committee has today backed a report on the energy efficiency directive.With two alternative compromise deals on the table, the Greens backed a 40% binding target on energy efficiency by 2030 (1).

 Greens/EFA shadow rapporteur Benedek Jávor comments:

 “An ambitious energy efficiency policy is needed to bring down energy bills for European citizens and businesses. It can also help to combat energy poverty and is key to our health, well-being, as well as achieving our climate policy targets and the commitments made under the Paris Agreement.

 “We are pleased to have helped secure agreement on an overall 40% target for energy efficiency for 2030 across the EU, which would be underpinned by national binding targets to ensure it really delivers. We have also fought to close loopholes and make sure the transport sector is included in the targets.

 “The ambition on targets needs to be matched with concrete measures, especially on lifting people out of energy poverty. The transition towards energy efficiency must deliver real benefits for the poorest, most vulnerable ones in our communities.”

LuxLeaks upcoming court decision – quote from Benedek Jávor

Tomorrow (Thursday 23 November), the High Court in Luxembourg will rule on the appeal of the LuxLeaks whisteblowers, Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet, plus journalist Edouard Perrin.

In March, Antoine Deltour was sentenced to a six-month suspended sentence and a €1,500 fine, while Raphael Halet received a €1,000 fine. They have appealed these sentences.

Journalist Edouard Perrin was originally acquitted, but the Luxembourgish authorities have appealed against this decision.

Greens/EFA transparency spokesperson Benedek Jávor comments:

“This trial shows why we need protection for whistleblowers. It is thanks to people like Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet that the public was made aware of the many tax and fraud scandals to break in recent years. Their principled and brave action has been a major factor in bringing about much needed policy changes to tackle tax fraud, money laundering and corruption. Yet despite this, the EU doesn’t have rules in place to ensure their protection. The European Commission must urgently bring forward robust proposals to make sure that future whistleblowers don’t face the same ordeal.  

 “It is deeply regrettable that the journalist Edouard Perrin is also facing renewed conviction. In light of the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, we have called for the creation of an annual prize to celebrate investigative journalism, which serves a crucial function in our democracies.”


(Image source: euractiv.com – Gwenael Piaser/Flickr)

Political yet illegal decision on Paks non-tendering infringement

Here below, you can find the documents I received following an access to documents request regarding the documents of the infringement procedure point towards the fact that the European Commission took a political decision in closing the infringement procedure. And this political decision is against EU law.

The infringement that had been initiated following my complaint, was closed on 17th November 2016. The documents clearly show that the initial arguments of the Hungarian party on international agreements and the financial package that would accompany the Russian offer were dismissed by the Commission. Consequently, in the Commission’s view also there should have been an open call for the project.

In the spring of 2016, after the official reply to the letter of formal notice, Hungary made for the first time counter-arguments of technical exclusivity which had also been dismissed on service level initially by the EC and 4 scenarios were envisaged at this stage of which the closure of the case is clearly stated to be a political solution. This option was taken and the Minister for the Prime Minister’s Office personally thanks the Commissioner for their smooth cooperation.

The letter of Alexander Italianer, Secretary-General of the European Commission


1 Note for the launch of the interservice consultation on the letter of formal notice (LFN) in infringement procedure NIF 2015/4231-4232 concerning the PAKS NPP project, with Annex (draft LFN), dated 10/11/2015, Ref No Ares(2015)4966089  and also this letter

2 Interservice consultation – the comments of the Legal Service to draft LFN, dated 10/11/2015, Ref No Ares(2015)4975167

3 Interservice consultation – DG ENER opinion, dated 11/11/2015
The first part of this document

4 Interservice consultation – DG COMP opinion, dated 11/11/2015
The second part of this document

5 Interservice consultation – DG TRADE opinion (with comments to draft LFN in Annex), dated 13/11/2015
The third part of this document and its annex

6 Letter of formal notice sent to Hungarian authorities (Hungarian language version), dated 20/11/2015, Ref No SG-Greffe(2015)D/13441

7 Reply of the Hungarian authorities to the letter of formal notice (with Annexes A and B), dated 21/01/2016, Ref No Ares(2016)358726

First part

Second part

Annex A

Annex B

8 Note on the assessment of the Hungarian reply to the letter of formal notice, dated 10/02/2016, Ref No Ares(2016)710709

9 Report on the meeting with Hungarian representatives on 12 February 2016, dated 15/02/2016, Ref no Ares(2017)495511

10 Report on the meeting between Commissioner Bienkowska and Hungarian authorities on 12 January 2016, dated 19/02/2016, Ref No Ares(2016)882647

11 Flash report on the meeting with Hungarian authorities, dated 02/03/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)495771

12 Follow-up to the Note on the assessment of the Hungarian reply to the letter of formal notice (Ares(2016)710709), dated 04/03/2016, Ref No Ares(2016)1129955

13 Report on the meeting with Hungarian authorities on PAKS case, dated 09/03/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)495909

14 Flash report on the meeting of 22 April 2016 with Hungarian authorities on PAKS, dated 25/04/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)496490

15 PAKS – Flash report on the technical meeting of 28 April 2016 with Hungarian authorities, dated 29/04/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)496571

16 Flash report on the meeting with Hungarian authorities on PAKS – 3 June 2016, dated 06/06/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)496889

17 Flash report on the meeting of Cabinet of Commissioner Bienkowska with Hungarian authorities, dated 09/06/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)496962

18 Flash report on the meeting between DG GROW and Hungarian authorities on 14 June 2016, dated 15/06/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)497022

19 Flash report on the phone call between Hungarian authorities and DG GROW, dated 21/06/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)497110

20 Flash report on the meeting of DG GROW with Hungarian authorities on 24 June 2016, dated 24/06/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)497322

21 Flash report on the meeting of DG GROW with Hungarian authorities in Budapest on 5 July 2016, dated 07/07/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)497409

22 Flash report on the meeting of DG GROW with Hungarian authorities on 12 July 2016, dated 12/07/2016, Ref No Ares(2017)497467

23 Commitment letter from Hungarian authorities to Commissioner Bienkowska, dated 4 August 2016, Ref No Ares(2016)4123594

24 Note for the launch of the interservice consultation on the closure of infringement procedure NIF 2015/4231-4232 concerning the PAKS NPP project (with Annexes 1 and 2), dated 24/08/2016, Ref No Ares(2016)4766008 and its annex

25 Interservice consultation – DG TRADE comments, dated 26/08/2016
The first part of this document

26 Interservice consultation – DG ENER opinion, dated 30/08/2016
The second part of this document

27 Interservice consultation – DG COMP and DG TRADE opinion, dated 02/09/2016
The third part of this document

28 Day Note of 17 November 2016 (SEC(2016)469/4) concerning the Commission decision closing infringement procedure 2015/4231-32 (with Annex (SEC(2016)475/2)), Ref No Ares(2017)162348 and its annex